Missouri Colleges Fund is a group of sixteen independent liberal arts colleges and universities in Missouri. These institutions are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, a regional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Accreditation is a process of peer review that evaluates an institution’s educational programs, resources, and performance to ensure that they meet established standards for quality and effectiveness.
The Missouri Colleges Fund member institutions have several notable achievements. They educate over 63,444 students annually and enroll 41% of the state’s undergraduates. Despite receiving just 3.5% of state student financial aid funds, they produce 65% of college graduates. Additionally, these institutions award more bachelor’s degrees and first-generation students than public institutions and serve a larger percentage of low-income students than public institutions.
Donors can give unrestricted gifts, which will be used equally by all member institutions to provide need-based financial aid for students. Alternatively, donors can choose to designate their gifts to specific programs, including the Teachers First Scholars program for students planning on teaching, the STEM Scholars Program for students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math, the First Opportunity Scholars Program for first-generation, low-income, underserved, or new citizen students, and the College Access and Retention Program for students who are at risk of not finishing school due to low-income.
Donors can choose which member schools their gift will go to. However, it is up to the member institutions to determine who will receive the scholarship gifts.
- The MCF allows you to contribute to 16 colleges and universities by writing just one check. You can also designate your gift in whatever way you think best.
- MCF generates corporate visibility and branding opportunities where desired. MCF establishes and administers scholarships and other programs.
- MCF allows the corporate community to interact with and have input from the independent higher education community.
All undesignated gifts are distributed equally to all member institutions. Designated gifts are distributed as directed by the donor.
The Missouri Colleges Fund is associated with the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC), a national partner in a network of member state and regional associations that advocate for over 650 private colleges and universities.
Missouri’s economic growth owes a lot to the strength and proficiency of its workforce. The state’s highly skilled employees have been trained by independent institutions. Although MCF member schools have only enrolled 41% of the state’s college students, they have been responsible for graduating a significant proportion of students in various majors, including 30% of business majors, 34% of engineering majors, 30% of nursing majors, 34% of physical science majors, and 32% of education majors.