
Teachers First Scholars

  • Posted September 30, 2019

Consider These Important Facts:

The Teachers First Scholars Program seeks the support of corporations, foundations, and individuals to provide scholarships for teacher preparation/education in special education, elementary, middle school, and secondary education.

Preparing the Next Teachers

Missouri faces a shortage of qualified teachers, with over 30,000 teachers retiring from public schools since 1998 and over 6,000 teaching positions going unfilled. By the beginning of the 2025 academic school year, over 21,000 new teachers and administrators will be needed. Additionally, Missouri ranks 24th among states in educational level, with only 37% of residents holding a college degree, and ranks 47th nationwide in per capita state spending on higher education.

Your Investment In the Future:

The Teachers First Scholars Program provides a tangible and effective way for donors to invest in the future by helping deserving and motivated students achieve their dreams of a high-quality college education. The 16 institutions in the MCF consortium are among Missouri’s leading independent/private colleges and universities, providing donors with a convenient way to help students with financial needs fulfill their dreams of a liberal arts and sciences education by writing just one check. Every citizen has a stake in the quality and effectiveness of Missouri’s public schools, and by investing in the Teachers First Scholars Program, donors can positively impact the future of education in the state.

Beheading the Class: Why We Must Save the Teaching Profession… and How

The teaching profession is an essential component of our society. Educators play a critical role in shaping the minds and futures of our youth. However, the teaching profession is facing an unprecedented crisis that threatens its existence. From low pay to high-stress levels, teachers struggle to keep up with the demands of their jobs. As a result, we must take action to save the teaching profession before it is too late.

One of the most significant challenges facing the teaching profession is the issue of low pay. Despite teachers’ critical role in our society, they are often paid far less than other professionals with similar levels of education and experience. This low pay can make it difficult for teachers to make ends meet, leading many to leave the profession searching for better-paying jobs.

To address this issue, we must work to increase teacher salaries. This can be achieved through various means, including increased government funding for schools, higher pay scales for experienced teachers, and incentives for teachers who work in high-need areas. By providing teachers with the financial support they need, we can ensure that they can focus on their work and provide the best possible education for our children.

Another significant challenge facing the teaching profession is the stress many teachers experience daily. Teachers are often under immense pressure to perform at their best, from dealing with challenging students to managing heavy workloads. This stress can lead to burnout and cause many talented educators to leave the profession.

To address this issue, we must work to reduce teachers’ stress levels. This can be achieved through various means, including providing additional support staff, reducing class sizes, and providing teachers with more planning time. By reducing the workload and stress levels of teachers, we can ensure that they can focus on their work and provide the best possible education for our children.

Finally, we must work to improve the overall perception of the teaching profession. Unfortunately, many people view teaching as a low-status profession that is not worthy of respect or admiration. This negative perception can make it difficult to attract talented individuals to the profession and lead to a lack of support for teachers in our communities.

To address this issue, we must work to elevate the status of the teaching profession. This can be achieved through various means, including highlighting the important work that teachers do, providing teachers with more opportunities for professional development, and creating a culture that values education and the role that teachers play in our society. By elevating the status of the teaching profession, we can ensure that talented individuals are attracted to the profession and that teachers receive the respect and support they deserve.

In conclusion, the teaching profession is facing an unprecedented crisis that threatens its existence. To save the teaching profession, we must work to increase teacher salaries, reduce teacher stress levels, and improve the overall perception of the profession. By taking these steps, we can ensure that our children receive the best possible education and that our society continues to thrive for generations.

Scholarships at independent colleges play a crucial role in supporting future teachers’ education and professional development. These scholarships offer financial assistance to students who aspire to become teachers and are pursuing their education at independent colleges. The importance of such scholarships cannot be overstated, as they help to ensure that the teaching profession remains attractive and accessible to talented and motivated individuals.

How an Independent College Fits Teacher Ed Needs

One of the primary benefits of scholarships at independent colleges is that they help to alleviate the financial burden of pursuing a degree in education. Many students who wish to become teachers face significant financial constraints, including tuition fees, housing costs, and other expenses. Scholarships can help to ease these financial pressures and allow students to focus on their studies without worrying about how they will pay for their education.
In addition to providing financial support, scholarships at independent colleges can also help to attract talented individuals to the teaching profession. By offering scholarships to students who demonstrate academic excellence and a commitment to teaching, independent colleges can encourage more individuals to consider a career in education. This, in turn, can help to address the shortage of qualified teachers in many parts of the country.

Promoting Diversity Among Education Majors

Scholarships at independent colleges can also help to promote diversity in the teaching profession. By providing financial support to students from diverse backgrounds, these scholarships can help to ensure that the teaching profession reflects the diversity of the student population. This is important because research has shown that students perform better when taught by teachers who share their cultural backgrounds and experiences.
Finally, scholarships at independent colleges can help support teachers’ ongoing professional development. Many scholarship programs fund teachers to attend conferences, workshops, and other professional development opportunities. This can help teachers stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in education, ultimately benefiting their students.

Learning Never Ends for a True Teacher

Scholarships at independent colleges are essential for supporting future teachers’ education and professional development. By providing financial support, attracting talented individuals to the teaching profession, promoting diversity in the classroom, and supporting ongoing professional development, these scholarships help to ensure that our schools have the qualified and committed teachers they need to provide a high-quality education for all students.
For over 70 years, the Missouri Colleges Fund (MCF) has been dedicated to making private higher education in Missouri more accessible and affordable for students from all backgrounds and financial situations. One of MCF’s key initiatives is to increase the number of students majoring in education and preparing to return to teaching in Missouri’s classrooms.